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Why learning and growing together is our #1 value at andamp

#1 empower each other and share your knowledge. (&amp code of conduct)

We believe that the people who make up &amp are the most valuable asset of our company, if not the only valuable asset. We not only want to grow this asset but, foremost, learn and grow together.

Live Coding Workshop at &amp

Since the environment and the processes drive most of our behaviour — we are not only strongly committed to learning and growing together but also have established key habits.

The world is changing fast, and information accessible through the internet is more prominent than ever. As a result of this massive information overload and our natural human curiosity, we consume more and more content every day. However, this does not necessarily lead to more knowledge but can also lead to distraction, attention scattering, less focus, and no progress. Finding quality content to fuel the input to learn most effectively isn’t easy. We spend most of our time searching for valuable information, which makes up the smallest part of generating new knowledge. Consume, learn and apply new knowledge is what you actually want to do. There must be a more effective approach, a more 80/20 way to learn new things.

At &amp, we believe that we can accelerate everyone’s learning and improve collective outcomes by fostering the sharing of knowledge and ideas across our company.

So what did we do to enable knowledge sharing? We implemented several ways to share our knowledge. One of our main formats is amptalks. Once a month, a colleague shares some of their expertise in a 2-hours talk, workshop, or whatever floats their boat. amptalks are not limited to technical topics but range from psychology 101 sessions to how-to build a second brain. But of course, we wouldn’t be engineers if we did not do live coding workshops where you learn how to develop your own cryptocurrency or other fancy things.

Furthermore, we build structured learning tracks on topics like Cloud-Native Development, Web3 & Blockchain Development, a paid 2-weeks Pet Project Time per year per employee, and a company-wide second brain for knowledge management, to support learning and growing together. Many more ideas and ways to boost learning are in our heads and will be implemented in future.

Learning and growing ties our culture together. It is at the core of what we do. It is the cultural fit we hire for, and it is the metric that supports you to evaluate your current and your next step at &amp.