From Application Engineer to Cloud Native Engineer
A personal journey from an Application Engineer to a Cloud Native Engineer.
A personal journey from an Application Engineer to a Cloud Native Engineer.
An introduction to the Given-When-Then pattern, followed by instructions on how to use that pattern to test smart contracts.
Explore the motivations behind CI/CD and how it can help improve your software development and delivery process.
Take a look at how Appwrite handles important functions of Firebase and compare the advantages and disadvantages of each platform in detail.
A Discussion of Eltjo Poort's thoughts on the relationship between business context and architectural decisions and the responsibilities of architects.
We believe that we can accelerate everyone’s learning and improve collective outcomes by fostering the sharing of knowledge and ideas across our company.
This blog post covers all the necessary steps to set up a continuous deployment pipeline from Bitbucket Cloud to Google Firebase.
A guide on how to find and define new selectors for Puppeteer and add custom commands for Cypress to Synpress.
Setup, configuration, and example tests using Synpress / Cypress for end-to-end frontend test automation of a Web3 dApp with MetaMask login.
Wir haben eine API gebaut die alle Covid-19 Eintrittstestergebnisse maschinenlesebar und einheitlich zur Verfügung stellt.
Behind every success, there is a team that makes it all happen.